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Consortium for Service Innovation

Indikatoren für Kompetenz

Sobald die Organisation Kompetenz aufgebaut hat, haben wir die Grundlagen für Optimieren und Innovation gelegt. 

Indikatoren für Kompetenz

Build Proficiency

Proficiency Indicators



Performance Management includes KCS behaviors Building a sustainable implementation

Outcome based goals such as:

  • A thriving licensing model
  • Team link accuracy
  • Team Content Standard Checklist adherence
  • Team PAR

Key Performance Metrics are consistently reviewed to assess behaviors. 

Demonstrates commitment to the program

  • First contact resolution increased compared to baseline
  • Time to proficiency decreased compared to baseline
  • Increase in capacity (usually 20-30%)
  • Cost per incident decreased from baseline

Articles available for self-service

Customers have faster visibility to article

  • growing percentage of knowledge base available for self-service
  • 90/0 rule—90% of requestor-actionable knowledge is available to requestors within 0 minutes of becoming known.

Self-service use

Customers are engaged with knowledge articles

Frequency with which customers use self-service before opening an incident is increasing (this is important to communicate!)

Customer satisfaction and loyalty increased

Increase customer success

Increase from the baseline

Employee satisfaction and loyalty increased

Increase profit

Increase from the baseline

Work has become more meaningful

Motivation factor for employees

Employee satisfaction increased from baseline

Incubate Knowledge Domain Analysis work Start getting curious about the information we're learning with our implementation
  • Baseline New vs Known. (eventually: improve this)
  • Feedback management
Lower customer effort 
  • Resolve issues
  • Optimize usage
  • Adopt features
Transactional CES surveys


Einzubindende Interessengruppen


  • Review reports on the benefits: performance against baseline measures
  • Review top reused article report with analysis
  • Implement the new measurement model for self-service measures and cross-functional measures (time to cure)
  • Acknowledge KCS impact and value in communications (news-letters, all-hands meetings)
  • Advocate for the value support creates for the business
  • Review new value-based measures with C-level executives
  • Support the KDE program
  • Review analysis from the New vs Known studies done by KDEs


  • Training on new measurement model
  • Develop team measures
  • Provide constant feedback to knowledge workers on the impact of their knowledge contribution
  • Acknowledge knowledge workers who are creating value

Knowledge Workers

  • Review article reuse reports - both internal and self-service.  (Knowledge workers must be able to see the impact of their contribution.)
  • Receive feedback from the Content Standard Checklist and PAR reviews
  • A few knowledge workers take on the role of KDE 

Business Owners

  • KDEs review article reuse reports and analysis with Business Owners
  • Develop plans for root cause analysis and corrective actions for pervasive issues


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