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Consortium for Service Innovation

Übergangskriterien für Planung und Gestaltung

Sobald die Welle-1-Teilnehmer verpflichtet sind und die folgenden Übergangskriterien für Phase 1 erfüllt haben, geht die Gruppe in die Umsetzung in Wellen des KCS Programms über.

  • Beachte, dass Planung und Gestaltung die einzige Phase mit Übergangskriterien ist; es handelt sich um Dinge, die vollständig sein müssen, ehe in die nächste Phase der KCS-Umsetzung übergegangen werden kann. Nach der Planungs- und Gestaltungsphase sind die nächsten Phasen flüssiger im Übergang. 


Plan and Design

Exit Criteria for Plan and Design


Readiness Evidence

Organizational commitment

  • Clear vision and goals
  • Budget approval
  • Executive sponsor buy-in
  • Management team buy-in
  • Budget approval
  • Program manager and KCS Council resources identified, allocated, and committed.
  • Communication sent from executive about plans and goals

Strategic framework complete

Defined expectations for customer, employee, and organization

Separate customer, employee, and organization views with related benefits and anticipated results

Content standard available

Consistent article content

  • Content standard is understandable and easily accessible
  • One-page quick reference guide for article quality has been created 
  • Process in place to update content standard

Content Standard Checklist defined

High quality articles

  • Checklist can be captured in an easy to use tool and accessible to all coaches
  • Mechanism to provide visibility to the knowledge workers about feedback from the Content Standard Checklist process

Processes defined and tested

Enable the Solve Loop

Process to integrate use of the KB into the issue resolution process has been documented and tested with current tools (sufficient to start)

Process Adherence Review (PAR) defined

Process compliance

  • Link rate and link accuracy assessment process defined, and measures captured and available to coaches
  • Mechanisms to provide visibility to the knowledge workers about PAR scores and feedback from the PAR process
Licensing model defined Rights and privileges aligned to competency  License level rights and privileges defined with clear criteria to award license and conditions and terms for removing a license 
Coaching model defined Consistent interpretation of content standard and workflow Wave 1 Coaches identified, trained, and practicing KCS (moving through the licensing model)

Performance Assessment Model defined

Learning and development

Draft metrics developed and defined (largely derived from Content Standard Checklist and PAR)

Baseline metrics established

Measure of progress

All indicators in the measurement framework have a baseline measure that reflects the current state

Communication plan in place

  • Benefits defined for each stakeholder
  • Commitment to project
  • Written communication plan with project owner
  • Review and signoff of plan by Executive Sponsor
  • Process for testing communications effectiveness
  • Process for feedback and improvement

Technology functional specifications drafted

Minimize technology investment for Wave I (practice KCS before major investment in tools)

  • Technology assessment complete
  • Technology supports the basic workflow

Adoption Road Map complete

  • Time and cost commitment known
  • Supports project management
  • KCS Council engaged
  • Wave I members identified
  • Training scheduled for Wave I
Training program for Wave I users Engage Wave I participants Training materials and scenarios developed and tested



  • Develop the Strategic Framework
  • Engage C-level executives in Strategic Framework 
  • Review cost benefit analysis and baseline measures
  • Understand the timing of benefits
  • Understand the impact of self-service success on traditional measures
  • Support the introduction of new measures for the health and value of support, and set C-level expectations for new measures
  • Contact references (executives at other companies who have been successful)
  • Fund and support KCS Council and the coaching program


  • Representative managers involved in KCS Design Session and adoption planning
  • Receive KCS overview and information about how it will help them
  • Help with identification of early adopters and KCS Coaches

Knowledge Workers

  • Receive KCS overview and information about how it will help them
  • Representative knowledge workers involved in KCS Council participate in KCS v6 Practices Workshop and Design Session 

Business Owners

  • Representative managers participate in KCS v6 Practices Workshop and Design Session


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