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Consortium for Service Innovation

KCS v6 Leadership Workshop: Details & Sample Agenda

The KCS v6 Leadership Workshop is a multi-day workshop taught by KCS v6 Certified Trainers.

Who Should Attend

  • Leaders in the organization
  • First- and second-line managers
  • Program and project managers for KCS adoption
  • KCS Council participants

Learning Objectives

Someone who completes the KCS v6 Leadership workshop understands:

  • The perspective, concepts, and skills needed to successfully adopt KCS and optimize it through continuous improvement
  • The relationship between the organization’s goals and KCS
  • What is different about KCS and why it is important to the customer experience
  • How to establish leadership’s role in communications and performance assessment
  • The difference between activity-based measures and value-based measures and how to use each appropriately
  • How to capitalize on the key motivational factors for employee engagement to create an environment that enables a sense of connectedness and accomplishment
  • How to create excitement about and buy-in for KCS


  • Create a plan to influence specific people within the organization
  • Know how to shift from a transaction-centric model to a knowledge-centric model
  • Identify and replace static linear processes with self-correcting double loop processes
  • Recognize the value and difference between traditional escalation and intelligent swarming support models.
  • Define clear, measurable, consistent goals aligned between KCS and business goals
  • Reduce time to obtain business benefits from KCS 

Sample Agenda

Day 1

Welcome and introductions
Current challenges and opportunities                 

  • What are the goals of the organization?
  • What are the current challenges?
  • What are the challenges for managers in a KCS environment?

The big picture – A demand based view of support

  • Understanding and influencing the customer experience
  • The dynamics of the evolution of customer service

 A few thoughts about “knowledge": what exactly is it?
What’s different about KCS and why is it important to the customer experience?

  • Overview of the KCS workflow and content standard
  • Performance Assessment – it’s about the creation of value…
  • Leadership – focus on “what.” Let the people doing the work focus on “how.”

KCS Roles and responsibilities

  • KCS Contributor, KCS Publisher, KCS Coach, Knowledge Domain Expert, Managers/leaders


Company values and culture

  • What beliefs are behind our traditional management practices?
  • Some examples of amazing results through a new set of beliefs 

What motivates people?

  • “All knowledge workers are volunteers”…. Peter Drucker
  • Do we need incentives to participate in KCS?
  • Rewards and recognition – what works, what doesn’t 

The power of alignment

  • Engaging people through a compelling purpose and alignment to values
  • WIIFM – what’s in it for me?

The challenge of communications: exercise
Assets and liabilities on your team?

  • Who is embracing change and how do you support them? Who is resisting change and how do you influence them?


Day 2

Organization and team measures – a measurement framework

  • Performance drivers (motivators)
  • Trends for leading indicators (activities)Goals for lagging indicators (results/outcomes)

Individual performance assessment

  • Practicing a new conversation with employees using value based measures
  • New measurement system
  • Performance scenarios – who is creating value?
  • Discussing behavior and process (not numbers)


Handling objections: gifts, badly wrapped?
Envisioning the future state and leadership’s role in it – action plans

  • Organizational goals
  • Knowledge management is fundamentally about engaging and enabling people
  • Enabling continuous improvement, learning and growth


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