Internal vs External KCS Certified Trainers
What's the difference between an Internal and External KCS Certified Trainer?
KCS v6 Trainer certification indicates that a person is certified to teach the Consortium's workshop material, but does not grant access to the materials without a license agreement in place.
There are two types of KCS Certified Trainers, distinguished by how license agreements are structured:
- KCS Certified External Trainer - trainers who plan to market and conduct workshops to attendees regardless of attendee company affiliation.
- KCS External Individual Trainer - Trainer signs KCS Workshop License Agreement and is responsible for royalties due per workshop attendee.
- KCS External Corporate Trainer - Company signs KCS Workshop License Agreement and company is responsible for royalties due per workshop attendee.
- KCS Certified Internal Trainer
- Trainer is only licensed to train employees of their company. Company signs Unlimited Use License Agreement for Internal Use and pays a one time fee in lieu of on-going royalty payments per workshop attendee. The trainer only retains their certification and use of the training materials as long as they are employed at that company.
Note: External trainers are licensed to teach publicly, whereas internal trainers are licensed only to use the materials with employees of their specific company.
Steps to become a trainer:
Environment/Applies to
- KCS Certified Trainer