How to register for the online-proctored KCS v6 Practices Certification Exam?
Need to register for the KCS v6 Practices Certification Exam
- Read this Kryterion support article first: What you need to know about Online Testing Requirements for online proctored exams
- Please note: If possible, use a personal computer as sometimes company computers need admin privileges to download software needed for online proctoring.
- Log into or create your Webassessor Account - if you need to create your account - please click Create Account on the Webassessor home page
- Be sure to choose the correct exam delivery method "KCS v6 Practices Exam - ONLINE Proctored". OR If you would like to take the exam at a Kryterion Test Center, read more here. Do NOT choose the instructor proctor method after a workshop unless your trainer is proctoring the exam on-site. Click Buy Now
- Your timezone will default to the zipcode you entered into your user profile.
- Please select date and time
- Click Schedule
- Read and Accept Terms and Agreement
- Click Proceed
- Review your Shopping Cart and Click Proceed to Payment or you can add another exam.
- Enter credit card information. OR if your company/trainer has provided a pre-paid Coupon code enter the code and click APPLY and also be sure to click Submit Order.
- IMPORTANT: Check your email from with subject line "Exam Registration Confirmation and read the information carefully.
- Once registered, click on "My Assessments" to continue (see image below) to set up your computer for the exam.
- IMPORTANT: Installing Sentinel is required so be sure to allow plenty of time for this to avoid the cancelation penalties (24 hour minimum to cancel or re-schedule). Please do this well in advance so there is time to reach out the Kryterion Chat prior to launching. Consortium Support can NOT help with launch or biometric photo issues - must contact Kryterion.
- Install Sentinel - if error message please search Kryterion Support by how to download Sentinel on your particular operating system (ie MAC, windows etc)
- IMPORTANT: Biometric verification includes a photo that should have a background free of excessive light (not in front of a window) and face and eyes should be level. If you launch your test and your are having difficulty these biometrics may need to be reset - you can utilize Kryterion Chat to help you when launching the exam.
- Please complete these requirements well in advance of the exam to avoid any issues or cancellation penalty
Environment/Applies to
- KCS v6 Proctored Exams
- Webassesor
- Kryterion
- Online-Proctored Certification Exam