Appendix C: Stakeholder Engagement
Techniques to create and sustain stakeholder engagement in KCS, by adoption phase.
Plan and Design
- Develop the Strategic Framework
- Engage C-level executives in Strategic Framework
- Review cost benefit analysis and baseline measures
- Understand the timing of benefits
- Understand the impact of self-service success on traditional measures
- Support the introduction of new measures for the health and value of support, and set C-level expectations for new measures
- Contact references (executives at other companies who have been successful)
- Fund and support KCS Council and the coaching program
- Representative managers involved in KCS Design Session and adoption planning
- Receive KCS overview and information about how it will help them
- Help with identification of early adopters and KCS Coaches
Knowledge Workers
- Receive KCS overview and information about how it will help them
- Representative knowledge workers involved in KCS Council participate in KCS v6 Practices Workshop and Design Session
Business Owners
- Representative managers participate in KCS v6 Practices Workshop and Design Session
Adopt in Waves
- Review Strategic Framework
- Receive regular updates on the status of adoption activities and success stories
- Build relationships and communicate with Business Owners about the value of article reuse reporting and root cause analysis
- Advocate the value support creates for the business (to C-level executives)
- Align Director goals and measures (VP direct reports) to re-enforce/recognize KCS behaviors and contribution
- Support KCS assessment program for teams (KCS Council manages and evolves)
- Review plans and reporting to support new value-based measures
- Receive training on KCS concepts and new performance assessment model (old measures can disrupt KCS success)
- Align team goals to reinforce and recognize KCS behaviors
- Celebrate achievement of KCS licensing levels (recognition of those who earn license)
- Support KCS Coach activities
- Coaching for managers
- Management representation on the KCS Council (selection and/or rotation)
Knowledge Workers
- Attend KCS training and get a KCS Coach
- Share anecdotes about success
- Recognition for achievement of KCS licensing levels and creation of value in the knowledge base
Business Owners
- Periodic status updates on progress
Build Proficiency
- Review reports on the benefits: performance against baseline measures
- Review top reused article report with analysis
- Implement the new measurement model for self-service measures and cross-functional measures (time to cure)
- Acknowledge KCS impact and value in communications (news-letters, all-hands meetings)
- Advocate for the value support creates for the business
- Review new value-based measures with C-level executives
- Support the KDE program
- Review analysis from the New vs Known studies done by KDEs
- Training on new measurement model
- Develop team measures
- Provide constant feedback to knowledge workers on the impact of their knowledge contribution
- Acknowledge knowledge workers who are creating value
Knowledge Workers
- Review article reuse reports - both internal and self-service. (Knowledge workers must be able to see the impact of their contribution.)
- Receive feedback from the Content Standard Checklist and PAR reviews
- A few knowledge workers take on the role of KDE
Business Owners
- KDEs review article reuse reports and analysis with Business Owners
- Develop plans for root cause analysis and corrective actions for pervasive issues
Optimize and Innovate
- Review/update Strategic Framework
- Review reports on customer success with self-service measures and a summary of top reused article (internal reuse and customer use) reports
- Review cross-functional measures (time to cure)
- Acknowledge KCS impact and value in communications (news-letters, all-hands meetings, ops review with C-level)
- Advocate for the value support creates for the business
- Review analysis from New vs Known study
- Celebrate customer success with self-service
- Celebrate changes in the products, services, and/or policies due to patterns in the knowledge base
- Acknowledge knowledge workers who are creating value
Knowledge Workers
- Access to internal and external reuse reports
- Acknowledge contribution to self-service success
- Visibility to and acknowledgement for changes in product due to patterns in the knowledge base (their contribution)
Business Owners
- Review information about self-service activity patterns, trends and customer feedback
- Review information about community activities: patterns, trends, and sentiment
You Know You Are Doing KCS When...
Adopt in Waves phase
Operational Improvements
- Knowledge workers integrate use of the knowledge base into their problem solving process
- It is a faster way to identify known issues
- Access to others' experience helps them solve new issues faster
- Creating and maintaining articles in the workflow takes zero (0) incremental minutes
- Percentage of problems recognized as "known" doubles
- Average time to resolve drops by 20-50%
- Support capacity increases by 20-50%
- The biggest cynics become KCS advocates because they have “experienced it”
- Knowledge worker morale is at an all-time high
- Turnover rate is at an all-time low
- Peer pressure becomes a primary motivator: knowledge workers don’t tolerate their peers messing up the knowledge base
Build Proficiency phase
Leverage knowledge to improve self-service and the business
- 90% of customer usable content is published to the web when the resolution is known (90/0)
- Customer use of and success with self-service is over 70%
- Content in the customer’s context
- Self-service design: choices on how to find content (browsing and searching) and no dead ends
- The work in the support center shifts from mostly known to mostly new
- Perceived incident complexity in the support center increases
- Knowledge workers are spending a higher percent of their time on new, challenging issues
- Support process evolves to a non-linear, collaborative network
For more information the organizational benefits and measures of KCS please see the Measurement Matters v6 paper.