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Consortium for Service Innovation

Handling Doubts and Misconceptions

Handling Doubts and Misconceptions

If we want dramatically different results we have to do something dramatically different. Knowledge-Centered Service (KCS®) produces dramatically better results because it proposes a very different way to think about people, process, measures and knowledge.

Change is hard and any significant change will be met with resistance. Much has been studied and written about change management. A key element of any change management methodology is communications.  

This document is intended to be a tool for the influencers in the organization and complements the KCS v6 Practices Guide, which outlines the elements of a communications plan. An important element of a communications plan is describing why we are making the change. Both leadership and the champions of change must be persistent and consistent in articulating why we are adopting KCS.

Unlike many change initiatives in organizations, KCS is wholly beneficial; no one is compromised. All the stakeholders: employees, customers, and the organization will realize benefits from an effective adoption of KCS.
Some people in the organization will be quick to understand the benefits of the KCS Principles and Practices, and quick to embrace them. Others will need more time and attention to see the benefits. The champions of change must be influencers. They are key in helping those who have doubts or misconceptions about KCS understand and buy-in to the methodology.

The role of the influencers is first about understanding people’s doubts and concerns before it is about telling people about the benefits.  The framework and scenarios described in this document encourage a “seek to understand before we seek to solve” approach. We also recognized that sustainable change requires exposing the underlying assumptions and beliefs that justify a person’s doubts or misconceptions. These beliefs are often subconscious; people are not necessarily aware of the beliefs they hold.     

In the first section, we provide a list of common doubts and misconceptions about KCS, then some thoughts or key points about handling doubts and misconceptions, as well as a brief description of the influence skills.  We offer a framework that helps organize our thinking about the issues as well as links to other helpful sources of information. And lastly, we provide a set of example scenarios that demonstrate how the influence skills show up in a conversation.    

While the content in these examples is specific to KCS, the influence skills are applicable to any change initiative.  


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