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Consortium for Service Innovation

How to take advantage of Self-Paced Training Seats as part of our Consortium Membership


How do I take advantage of the online course offerings offered as part of my company member benefits?


  1. Please fill out the Member Benefits Registration Spreadsheet to indicate who should be enrolled. Note the number included is based on your company's level of membership
  2. Email spreadsheet to
  3. Once we receive the completed spreadsheet, we will enroll them in the courses the same day (unless otherwise indicated).    

A few suggestions to share with your team:

  • Each person enrolled will be receiving emails from the Self-Paced Learning Center on how to log-in and how to access the course(s) and exam.  Please check spam.  For help, reach out to
  • Once the course(s) are launched, they are available for 12 weeks.  
  • If taking the KCS Fundamentals Certification exam: review the KCS v6 Fundamentals Study Guide prior to launching the exam. The exam must be completed in one sitting (60 minute time limit)
  • If taking the Intelligent Swarming Fundamentals Certification Exam: review the Intelligent Swarming Fundamentals Certification Study Guide prior to launching the exam. The exam must be completed in one sitting (60 minute time limit)
  • Upon passing the Certification Exam, you will immediately receive an email from with instructions on how to accept and share your Certification Badge. (check spam!)


Environment/Applies to

  • member benefits